2023 Back-To-School Community Event!
Assist our local students by donating items from the following list!
Collection Dates: June 11 through July 23
Book Bags – thick straps, sturdy | Packs of Pencils |
Packs of Pens | Highlighters (2 Pk) |
Small Glue Sticks | Rounded Tip Scissors |
Crayola Classic Big Markers | Binder filler paper packs |
Spiral Notebooks (college rule) | Rulers |
Graph Paper Notebooks | Pencil Boxes |
Plastic Pencil Cases w/zipper | 2-Pocket Folders |
Crayola Crayons Packs 24 count | Pink Pearl Erasers |
Colored Pencil Packs 12 count | Small manual pencil sharpener |
Small Tissue Packs | Small Hand Sanitizers |
Composition Books (wide rule) | 3-Ring Binders (max. 2 inches) |