HR/job description task force – a temporary task force has been created by the Executive Committee of Council to review all current job descriptions. The task force will start with the job description for the Financial Administrator and new Children, Youth, Family position. Both positions are vacant.
Hall Rentals – Hank Dermer gave a summary of the items that have been reviewed by Hank, Sue Durborow and Sandy Haines.
- Rates will be increased by 5% – effective January 1, 2023
- Member Contribution for hall rental- current “suggested donation” is $150.00. Changing this to an actual fee (not donation) and increasing to $175. This is to cover the cost of the sexton for the event.
- Monitors will be paid $25/hour. There are times in which monitors need to stay longer than 4 hours. The event monitor description will be updated.
Electronic Piano – A motion to purchase an electronic piano for the Youth Music program was made and approved.
TV in Fellowship Hall – After a discussion of the request by the Christian Ed committee to purchase a TV for use in Fellowship hall, a motion was made and approved. The TV will be on a moveable cart so that it may be used in other areas of the building.
Red Cross Blood Drive – The Council approved a motion to host a Red Cross Blood Drive. Allison Radwick is pursuing this matter.
Property – EB Smith gave an update on the septic pumps in the maintenance room which were replaced after failing in November.