Dear Friends in Christ-
An expression being used more often of late is liminal space or liminality. By definition, a liminal space is a location that is between two other places. It comes from the Greek word for threshold. Properly speaking a liminal space is not a destination but a transitional place. Examples include airports, elevators, and waiting rooms. Liminality then, is what we experience in times and places when we have left here but aren’t yet there.
As a congregation, we are in a state of liminality, which can bring both anxiety because of the unknowns and excitement for what is yet to come. To complicate matters, the Christian church in this country and around the world is in a state of liminality. The way we did things in the past is not the same as what is to come. This was true before the pandemic, but COVID-19 has made it even clearer that we are in a time of change. And it isn’t easy. Even when you are excited about the change, it can be hard.
While living through a liminal time is challenging because of the unknown, it is also a time of possibility. It can be a time of creativity and innovation. It
gives us space for self-examination and can be a moment in our lives when authentic transformation can happen.
As we continue through the interim process, my hope is that we will experience more excitement than anxiety. Our Transition Team will be formed soon and will direct Good Shepherd through the process of creating a Congregational Profile which will be used during the search for a new pastor. In the meantime, there are opportunities to celebrate, share and serve our Lord Jesus Christ.
I hope that this fall season brings you gracious happenings and meaningful memories.
Pastor Heidi