Maundy Thursday, April 6, 2023 at 7:00 pm

Together, we will hear the story of Jesus’ final meal with his friends. We too will gather at the table and hear the words “Do this in remembrance of me,” as we celebrate Holy Communion.

As a sign of his love and the centrality of servanthood, Jesus washed his disciples’ feet. For those who wish, foot washing will be a part of our worship time.


Good Friday, April 7, 2023 at 7:00pm

Our worship service will be a blending of two traditions: Tenebrae and Taizé. Tenebrae (Latin for “darkness”) was the name given to the medieval predawn morning prayer celebrated by monks during the last three days in Holy Week. In modern times, Tenebrae has become descriptive of a service that moves from shadowed light to darkness. As we hear the Passion narrative, candles will be extinguished, making us mindful of the suffering of Christ on that Friday so long ago.

The Taizé community is an ecumenical community begun in 1949 near Cluny, France. It is the home for over 100 brothers who have hosted visitors from every continent for retreat and weeklong gatherings. As a part of their prayer services, the community uses short songs, repeated again and again. As the words are sung over many times, the meditative singing becomes a way of listening to God. It allows everyone to take part in a time of prayer together and to remain together in attentive waiting on God, without having to fix the length of time too exactly.

Easter Sunday, April 9, 2023 at 9:30 am

We hope you will be with us for this festive celebration of our Lord’s resurrection. The Adult and Handbell Choirs will lead us along with organ, trumpet and flute.

As always, everyone is welcome to the Lord’s Table as we celebrate the sacrament of Holy Communion.

Our kids will complete their Lenten cross necklaces. (And if you didn’t get one to start, you can get a complete one from Pastor Heidi!)

This service will be livestreamed from our Facebook page.