As the fall programming season at Good Shepherd ramps up we need help! Please see below for all the ways you can get involved:

Coffee Hour Volunteers We are in need of several people to volunteer to help with the Sunday Coffee Hour.  No experience necessary!  Please see Sandy Haines if you’re interested!  Thank you!

Blessing Box – Our Blessing box needs items! Remember as you are grocery shopping to pick up items to donate. Protein is an especially helpful thing so canned chicken or tuna, beans, or peanut butter are very helpful. Food can be left on the tables in the narthex.

Communion Bread Bakers – We need people to help bake the weekly communion bread. If you would like to help please contact Jo McAdoo at

Help Lead Worship – Our Worship teams need some new volunteers. Helping lead worship is a a great way to get involved in the congregation and worship in a way you might not have before. You can sign up in the Narthex and a training will be happening soon! You can also email Pastor Joey at with any questions.